Mission: To give neutral at risk youths and active gang members an alternative to gang life. Change the direction of the gangs. Vision: Is to make communities a safe haven for women, children and families. We want to make sure that members of the community have knowledge of self. So they can respect themselves and have respect for the community.
Sunday, June 5, 2022
"The Birth oF Da Rep ute able Vol 5" LiL Wild Ju
"Us Women Are Mentally Scarred Vol 4" Through All The Beauty
I'm grateful 🙏🏿 for being blessed with a gift from the #Lord
This Book I am most excited about!!
Show's my talent and most importantly call out so call men saying they real, every time a young lady & women being physically abused and rape all these real nighaz due is sit back in record....
Dedication to every women of color around the world, I hear your silent struggles and crys through the fog!!
#Rape #FosterHomes #Escort #Prostitution #SexualAbuse #VerbalAbuse #ChildMolestation #Strippers #Pimps #Drugs #PhysicalAbuse
A Message From 1 oF The Contributors That's Apart oF My First Book "Envisable Tiers Vol 1" "Twist" Has A Chapter Whe...
Envisable Tiers: Tiers You Can't See Only From The Mind And Heart https://a.co/d/9ORjsv1