Mission: To give neutral at risk youths and active gang members an alternative to gang life. Change the direction of the gangs. Vision: Is to make communities a safe haven for women, children and families. We want to make sure that members of the community have knowledge of self. So they can respect themselves and have respect for the community.
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Contributor A Message From Poe
A Message From 1 oF The Contributors That's Apart oF My First Book "Envisable Tiers Vol 1" "Twist" Has A Chapter Where He Share His Story....
Countless nights I spent thinking to myself in that prison cell, how did I end up in those situations? Why I felt like I had nobody and nobody cared? Drove myself crazy talking to myself when I was in lock up for consecutive days, months, to a year. Turned me into a animal. Couldn’t sleep at night or day for months straight. I had to MAN up and blame nobody but myself! I put myself there! It was insane but thanks to catching on and not letting myself go I began to write. Write raps, write books, write letters, just to regain a stable mentality. It takes a lot to share with the world hard experiences like that! But my bro, you shared your stories and the ones around you that you love. Why people misunderstand US and how we’re trying everything to stop these young ones from becoming what we was. Proud of you bro! The seven years I known u we ain’t have nothing shorter than a true bond, true brotherhood. I’m jus happy to be a part of your dream and a change we all want!! Salutations Envinsable Teirs LLC Growth Evaluate!! 👊🏾 the change starts within you!
Promoting Peace
Being The Change
1 Rivals FruitTownBrim 30's & Harlem 30's Crip....
Wasn't planned this what the system afraid of, know matter what side you on or what color of flag you representing we all going through the same situations, day in and day out.
These rapper's and all these super big homies/Og on the internet can't tell you, when you in certain prison's us Blood's & Crip's stick together through racial war's.
It's not about where you from, it's about where you at and you can stand on your own 2....
Your main rival will have your back in Federal Prison alot times before your own homie....
The same homies doing everything in they power to get home be the same one's guiding you to be in the same spot they tryna leave from "Prison"
Nobody can't say they real, loyal if you can't hold accountability and inform these little boy's & young teen's the truth what is really going on....
Anybody can have a "Reputation" not everyone has "Character"
Means nothing it's #Respect
What is #Gangsta
Being told when you can see your kid's at visit?
When to shower?
When to lock in?
Soon you get your canteen the correctional official's, will flip your room and opening up your food you just bought and dump it in the toilet and floor.
Before you go to visit strip, bend over lift each foot, left your nuts, open your mouth and lift up your tongue.
You can't get on the phone, for weeks maybe months too many riots.
You can't call nobody, now you in their nobody picking up or accepting your call
Everyone real till you catch a case, everyone talks about the shooter yet nobody informs you most break down cry when they catch a hot 1 case after that high wear off they realize they didn't mean to commit that murder.
I'm here too make a difference
Too many keep saying they real and loyal when all they doing keep having they homies waste they life and freedom when the objective is to get out instead of staying stuck.
Being stuck is when you been on the same blocks for yrs and your still in the same spot not elevating and your not a hustler....
It means your just hustling
I'm not judging respectfully I'm here just giving you free game smarting up, if you don't invest in yourself to believe in yourself, what makes you think anyone else will✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
A Message From 1 oF The Contributors That's Apart oF My First Book "Envisable Tiers Vol 1" "Twist" Has A Chapter Whe...
Envisable Tiers: Tiers You Can't See Only From The Mind And Heart https://a.co/d/9ORjsv1