ENVISABLE TIERS VOL 1"TIERS YOU CAN'T SEE, ONLY FROM THE MIND AND HEART.. Is about 21 individuals sharing they stories, 18 individuals are apart of Blood sets and 3 none affiliated. Men & Women speaking on Awareness, Prevention, Intervention, Bullying, PTSD, Rape, Incarceration, Gang's, Violence & Betrayal. From Jersey, New York, Philly, Virginia, South Central L.A & Compton. Showing the youth an young teen's they can rearrange they lives an helping these parents, guardians how prevent they children from becoming a victim.
LOVE THY NAYBOR VOL 2 "A BROTHAZ LOVE ".. Julius Jones presented Julian Rashko story it's about how everywhere him his older brother and mother move they we're always being bullied. Even though they are black, being they were very light skin. Julian followed his brother an they join a Blood set, becoming violent getting locked up. Julian older brother getting killed on his birthday, into his own Blood set we're wearing a federal wire set him up with the Fed's. Now he's doing under 10 years in federal prison.
Is about Julius Jones being verbal abuse as adolescent saying he never be nothing, hearing his mama break down in cry certain night's. Felt the need to do something at the tender age at 10 year's old. To help out with the Bill's started hustling, searching for family so he gets put on to a South Central L.A Blood Set. Started gang bangin, losing homies and ended up being setup by his own homies with the Fed's. Beat 2 murders an did 11 year's. While Julius Jones was in the Fed's after being locked up for 6 year's is when, he unlearn an relearn his mentality by educate himself. Wrote out a plan start his own non-profit organization, preventing kid's, teenager's from ending up an the street's and gang's. Once out of federal prison started public speaking at HighSchool's, College an Center's. The heavily father came into Julius Jones life, guided him to become a author once he was betrayed again by his set. Ever since February of 2021, Julius haven't looked back since. God just been elevating him.

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